Fantastic Incentive Cruise Seychelles

OceanEvent Incentive Charter Seychellen

Yachting feeling in paradise

Simon Boos, Senior Charter Manager at OceanEvent

Simon Boos, Senior Charter Manager at OceanEvent

Just back from an incentive cruise to the Seychelles, our Senior Charter Manager Simon Boos describes his impressions. He gives location tips and reports first-hand on island hopping aboard the small, very fine Explorer cruise ship Le Champlain. The yacht sails here year-round and heads for such well-known islands as La Digue, Praslin, Grand Soeur. Our charter client, a German tool manufacturer, wanted something special and followed OceanEvent’s recommendations. The routing and program that the 200 participants were able to experience are thus unique – just like every cruise charter we run.

The ship – The Explorer Le Champlain

Samuel de Champlain is the namesake of this sleek Explorer cruise ship. The name says it all, because the explorer is considered the discoverer of New France – the part of North America that was taken possession of by the French in the 1600s. Like Champlain then, the ship named after him today explores the coastal regions of this world. At present it is the 117 islands of the Seychelles, strung out like a string of pearls. The only difference is that things are much more comfortable on board today than they were in Champlain’s day. The 4-star-plus Explorer offers 92 elegant cabins and suites – each with its own terrace or balcony. A small, elegant ship, therefore, made for landings in the ports of the larger Seychelles islands. And wonderful to look at when the yacht drops anchor in the turquoise blue sea of the Indian Ocean. By Zodiac she then dispatches her guests to explore the tropical islets and beaches.

Routing and shore program of this unique Seychelles incentive cruise

Participants would certainly describe this extraordinary cruise as a once-in-a-lifetime experience. And this, comes from our client’s best sales reps who are seasoned incentive travel experts who have been on some thrill-worthy trips! What was so special about this one? Simon Boos reveals some of the program highlights.

Day 1 – Mahé

  • Arriving in paradise – at least that’s how the small airport on the main island of Mahé presents itself.
  • Breakfast at the Spice Garden with the sweetest fruits the island has to offer and interesting insights into the world of spices.
  • Breakfast at the Spice Garden with the sweetest fruits the island has to offer.
  • Lunch on Eden Island, a man-made island near Mahé.
  • Cast off and off to Praslin, the second largest island in the Seychelles. On the terrace of the Observation Lounge we serve cool drinks while the setting sun covers the sea and horizon in spectacular colors.

Day 2 – Praslin

  • The island is internationally known for its dream beaches lined with palm trees and granite rocks.
  • In the rocky, rainforest-covered interior, lies the Vallée de Mai, overflowing with exotic plants. A guided tour through the enchanting valley is like an exciting journey back in time.
  • Deep-sea fishing is also a must-do on a cruise to the Seychelles, and so four boats swarmed out with our participants. Highly successful: The largest catch measured a proud 1.90 meters!
  • Golf enthusiasts were delighted by the award-winning 18-hole course of the Lemuria Resort, while other guests took the opportunity to explore the colorful underwater world by snorkeling.
  • The many impressions of this first day were followed by another highlight of the trip: the honoring of the best employees!
  • The very suitable noble setting was provided by our ship – Le Champlain.
  • Dining and celebrating at summer temperatures under the special starry sky of the southern hemisphere – this also makes a Seychelles cruise unique.

Day 3 – Aride & Curieuse

  • More than one million birds live on the small species protection island of Aride. It is considered one of the world’s last natural paradises and is home to rare birds and tortoises as well as the largest lizard population on earth. Truly worth experiencing!
  • From here we sail on while the crew serves lunch – fresh, light, healthy and full of sophistication is the cuisine. It’s as if the chef has just picked the fruit, fished the fish from the sea and picked the salads straight from the market. The guests love it!
  • Landing on Curieuse, the fifth largest Seychelles island. The eye wants to overflow with happiness when it sees the beauty of the snow-white beaches with their striking granite rocks. Our program of choice:
    • Guided hiking tours with our own expedition leaders through the untouched wilderness of the island.
    • Beach life in a dream bay, where you can touch the local giant tortoises.
  • This evening will also be very special: with the “Zodiacs”, the expedition boats of the ship, the guests will land at a luxury resort at sunset. There they will be welcomed with cocktails on the beach and by local dancers and drummers. The gala dinner is served, and the ambiance is fantastic. It is one of those moments you want to capture and never forget!

Day 4 – La Digue

  • Paradise again. More dream beaches, like the Anse Source d’Argent, which are among the most beautiful in the world!
  • We ‘work out’ the island on a bike tour – quite sporty at temperatures around 40 degrees!
  • Back on board, we surprise the guests with local fresh seafood for lunch. Nowhere before did it ever taste better!
  • An atmosphere that lasts through the day and late into the night – dancing to rhythmic sounds on the upper deck, celebrating themselves, each other and the world.

Day 5 – Anse La Farine

  • Our yacht moves to Anse La Farine to a beach that is only accessible from the water – a feeling like Robinson Crusoe comes over the guests. Crusoe may not have had kayaks or SUPs, but he sure was swimming in the turquoise waters!
  • The Robinson feeling is not only due to the lush green rainforest that juts out to the sea or the colorful snorkeling spot right on the beach, but also the abandoned hotel complex for the adventurous to discover.
  • It’s not hard to have fun here – and to be the happiest person in the world by noon, with your feet in the warm sand.
  • While guests are treated to a grandiose lunch on board one last time, Le Champlain sets course for Mahé.
  • We reach the main island in the late afternoon and board the night flight. It is hard to believe that after this fantastic incentive cruise in the Seychelles that a cold winter still awaits us at home …



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