Win. Win. Win.

As a charter broker, we are active for our customers worldwide. Every day we encounter other cultures, other approaches, other norms. Which shapes and challenges us. Over the years, an OceanEvent philosophy of empathy and sympathy has been established. Our maxim: Understand the other and then be understood yourself. This is how our projects succeed for the benefit of all.

Because that’s what it’s all about: A win-win-win for everyone. For our customers and service providers, our employees and us as a company.


“In my opinion, appreciation, honesty and fairness are guarantors for long-lasting partnerships – and for having fun working together.”


Christian Muehleck
Founder & CEO OceanEvent GmbH


In close cooperation during a maritime project, values and principles contribute significantly to mutual success. Not just in difficult situations. But especially then. OceanEvent can count itself lucky to have customers and service providers who live the same respectful interaction as we do.

For CEO Christian Muehleck, gratitude is also an expression of solidarity. He feels close ties to his team both professionally and privately – in their professional development as well as in their striving for a fulfilling life.


Working with the best

We promise to create extraordinary moments for our customers. So that your conference, your incentive, your event at sea will be the best you have ever experienced.

We always keep our promise. By understanding why you are planning your event on a cruise ship. By exceeding your expectations. And by working with the best around the world. The best ships, the best locations, the best employees and service providers.

Incentive for employees up to 3250 pax - Fun at work

We believe that work should be fun.
For our customers, our partners and for ourselves.


Always at your service.
Christian Muehleck & Simon Boos

OceanEvent - Philosophie

As mentioned: it may be fun.
Claudia and Simon in action.


And then there are these moments.
Almost every day at OceanEvent.
Vanessa Wagner, Senior Charter Designer

OceanEvent - Philosophie

Teamwork includes everyone.
The OceanEvent team with clients on Charter


At work.
Heidi, Vanessa, Christian & Simon

Climate Protection

We are very aware of our responsibility for future generations and the protection of our planet. Therefore, an important OceanEvent philosophy is: We always act with a focus on the future.

You can read about how we manage to be a climate-neutral company and carry out our Charter projects climate-neutral HERE.

OceanEvent - Philosophie

We create this atmosphere just as
well on land, as on board your ship.

OceanEvent - Philosophie

We scout the world’s most beautiful coastal regions
to find the best hidden locations for your event.

OceanEvent - Philosphy

Our CEO Christian Muehleck in his (nautical) element.

OceanEvent - Philosophie

Attention to detail goes into every Event.
You can feel the OceanEvent Philosophy!


Creating extraordinary moments
is the promise we make to our customers.

Claudia Scrunner

At OceanEvent, we go the extra mile for our customers with experience, creativity, fun and precision.


We work with the best worldwide – from the ship’s crew to the party entertainment.

Simon Boos, Senior Project Manager bei OceanEvent

It is always people who make the difference.
This also applies to the OceanEvent team.

OceanEvent Team - Simon Boos, Vanessa Wagner and CEO Christian Mühleck

After work: tired but happy!
A toast following another successful charter cruise.


Does this sound like you? Then let us welcome you to the OceanEvent Team!
e are looking to expand …

OceanEvent climate neutral company kununu widget


OceanEvent GmbH
Seearkaden / Zweigstrasse 1
D-82319 Starnberg
TEL +49.8151.746 49-0
MAIL info@oceanevent.com


With OceanEvent you will experience events in a completely new way: onboard exclusively chartered cruise ships! Be it 30 or 6000 participants, we have the perfect floating venues for your conference, incentive, or private celebration. Our nautical experts and creative event planners implement your event in the most beautiful coastal regions of the world.

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Imprint   |   Data Protection   |   Partners

    Welcome to OceanEvent – it will be our great pleasure to bring your vision of a conference, incentive or private celebration at sea to life. In order to best meet your expectations, please be so kind to share with us the following specifications:

    Desired date:Year / Month:Flexible:
    3 nights (minimum charter duration)4 – 6 nights7 nightsOther
    Mediterranean SeaNorthern EuropeCentral EuropeCaribbeanOrientAsia/Indian OceanPacificArctica / AntarcticaFlexibleOther
    Ocean voyageRiver cruiseFlexible

    IncentiveConference/MeetingJubileeBirthdayWeddingSocial EventOther
    Conference Lounge (capacity/seating)Activities on boardSpaces for a wedding ceremonyEntertainmentOther
    StandardHigh qualityLuxuriousEnergy efficientFlexible
    GoogleSocial MediaNewsletterPress articleReferralOther


    Agree: I agree that OceanEvent GmbH stores my personal data in order to inform me quarterly about interesting charter offers in the form of a newsletter. I can revoke my consent at any time by sending an e-mail to info@oceanevent.com.

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      Be the first to hear about new ships for exclusive charter – new destinations – new trends for your maritime event. Just what you need for your event planning – sent quarterly – sign up now!
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