How can cruise ships become more environmentally friendly?

Cruise ships become more environmentally friendly - charter the first hybrid expedition ship with OceanEvent

How can cruise ships become more environmentally friendly is a question the industry has been asking for years. This is also the case with this German shipping company, whose five cruise ships range from polar circle expeditions to luxury cruises around the globe. Despite the different years of construction – the first was launched in 1990, the youngest for the time being in 2013 – all have modern environmental technologies such as fully biological purification systems or ecologically friendly (TBT-free) underwater coatings. The propulsion with diesel instead of heavy oil is now standard for their ships.

Minimize the footprint

Beyond the technical aspects, the shipping company does its utmost to minimize the footprint of its voyages in the sensitive marine ecosystems of our planet. Years ago, she developed the codes of conduct IAATO (International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators) and AECO together with local associations and nature conservationists. The latter stands for Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators. The high requirements of the two agreements provide, for example, that areas that are particularly worthy of protection are only explored with proven experts such as polar and climate researchers, marine biologists, or glaciologists. The aim is to ensure that expedition cruise activities have the least possible impact on nature, culture, monuments, and the wilderness environment.

OceanEvent Expedition - Environmentally friendly cruise ship up to 230 pax

Before every expedition, lectures by scientists are therefore part of the ‘obligatory program’ for passengers. If you charter such an explorer ship for your corporate event at OceanEvent, your guests will really get to know the ‘white continents’. The lectures are by no means boring – on the contrary, highly informative, and exciting. Here you can find out first-hand about the latest research findings about the climate, icebergs, and their microorganisms, about the habitat of the ‘perpetual ice’, polar melt and much more. This is important to move in these regions with the necessary mindfulness and respect for flora and fauna. Especially when you then meet live and real whales, seals, penguins, and snow foxes…

OceanEvent Expedition - Environmentally friendly cruise ship up to 230 pax

How can cruise ships become more environmentally friendly?

A question that the shipping company clearly answers for itself: through what is technically feasible on board, coupled with responsible behavior towards people, nature and the environment in the respective cruise area and the promotion of important environmental protection projects. A good reason for us to particularly enjoy working with this shipping company, which is involved in Futourise e.V., a sustainability initiative for tourism.

The ships in the 4 and 5-star categories have between 80 and 300 cabins. They are all ideal for incentives, meetings, conferences, and corporate events. And even if it doesn’t go into the world’s most sensitive ecosystems, being environmentally conscious is high on this cruise fleet’s list.

So, if you are also asking yourself the question of sustainability, talk to us! OceanEvent knows the environmental commitment of almost all cruise ships and yachts worldwide. We implement your event on board in your interest – and make your charter cruise CO2-neutral if you wish. Find out how HERE. So, we should talk to each other if you are planning an unforgettable corporate event for your employees, partners, or customers – and are looking for an environmentally friendly cruise ship! We are happy to prepare an extraordinary, sustainable company event for you in every form!


Charter an environmentally friendly cruise ship


Read more about sustainable cruise ships in the OceanEvent logbook entries:


> Environmentally friendly cruise ship for 3200 passengers

> Environmentally friendly cruise ship for 720 passengers

> Environmentally friendly cruise ship for 240 passengers

> Cruising and climate protection

> The most environmentally friendly cruise ship in the world

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OceanEvent GmbH
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D-82319 Starnberg
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MAIL info@oceanevent.com


With OceanEvent you will experience events in a completely new way: onboard exclusively chartered cruise ships! Be it 30 or 6000 participants, we have the perfect floating venues for your conference, incentive, or private celebration. Our nautical experts and creative event planners implement your event in the most beautiful coastal regions of the world.

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